Underrail > Bugs

Tchort Institute entrance cutscene reset


Thanks for this great game! I bumped in old bug with entrance of Tchort Institute, find it before complete Oligarchy missions (JKK) and I have Metal Figurine but no one give me the guest to access Institute. I've found out that was an hack to reset location from here:
http://steamcommunity.com/app/250520/discussions/0/618457398973889102/ but now in save games new structure, I can ungzip chunks#.map but can't find out the Tchort entrance. Version of Underrail

That bugs been fixed back in 2015, even before the release.

I don't think there's any bug involved in your situation. Did you complete the oligarch quests now? If so you only need to talk to Denzel at the Tchort Institute entrance.


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