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Messages - meow

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Bugs / Re: Find Newton / PSI bugs
« on: October 14, 2014, 05:02:55 pm »
Ahh, that is also interesting! Did seem a bit odd to me. I was just testing to see if a nerfed Ag or nerfed Dex would still be playable, as most my builds have had a decent amount in both. They're both vaible builds, just have to rely on slightly different set ups/tactics.

Thanks for the info.

Bugs / Re: Find Newton / PSI bugs
« on: October 14, 2014, 12:17:01 pm »

Chance to hit is based on attacker's weapon skill vs. target's defense skill (so, melee vs. dodge in that case) and a bunch of modifiers for ranged combat, but I'm not 100% sure on the exact formula.

Interesting. In regard to the other modifiers: I did some random expereimintg not too long ago. Two characters built exactly the same (melee/sledgehammer) both at Str8 but one at Dex8,Ag4 and the other at  DEx4,Ag8.

Leveled up the same (only differences were high Ag took dodge/evasion and high Dex took throwing etc, basically high Ag took more agility skills and high dex took dex skills but their melee skill was identicle and both at Lv2). Rathounds were always getting 95% for both characters but the crossbow guy with the rathoud pets was a different matter. Higher Ag build was getting 95% chance to hit but the higher Dex build only 76%...

Coulda been a bug/glitch or something esle but I think Agility has a role in chance to hit basically. Could be worth looking into further.

Bugs / Re: Jacks Package
« on: October 12, 2014, 07:27:13 pm »
I'm annoyed at myself (and you're gonna hate me)... but I just played through this quest again. Right, ahem, Once you've dealt with the bandits and meet jack at GMS he says "I was just about to leave. I never thought you should (would?) make it", so he definitely was there before you dealt with the bandits (I really don't see how he'd slip past, 'specialy if you use grenades or AoE attacks. Plus I mince those guys, he woulda been behind me, or not very far in front, or caught in the crossfire). This is (to me) confirmed by what he says next "I knew I was being watched so I had to use a decoy to get the real package out of the station"

So he was being watched. I.E (how I'm reading this anyways) he was being followed/spied on WITHIN SGS, and maybe before he got there (anyone can get in it seems even if they're not a citizen, for trading etc), so you were being watched as he set you up as a decoy so you were the target now, and not him (allowing him to make an instant exit and be ignored by the conveniently placed thugs, or even managing to pass before they get there).  They can't watch him from outside, someone was watching him from inside and see the deal you make , thus inform the thugs "new target, hes trying to do a fast one, someone else has the package" Oh, fast one indeed the sneak LOL. Then all eyes are on you, you're now being watched and jack is free to make an exit.

So I guess the package isn't necessary, just you being seen as the package holder is enough (plus they know you have a package, as epli said, using intel. But more specific than just 'hassle anyone who comes through')

In this case I wonder if the thugs should be more hidden, so all seems fine and then suddenly they come out of the shadows/from under the subways (or maybe walk up to you, as if they have just turned up). That'll make it seem more like an ambush and not like they were just hanging out there.
The spy intels them when you leave the station, by that time jacks long gone, but the thugs just standing in open makes me question how he'd get past (his stealth cant be that good at Lv15, it's not exactly an OP ability), and even though hes not the target any more, hired thugs would probs kill him anyways for a bit of profit (they seem more like hired muscle than spies) That package musta been damn important. Also, if I am right, maybe even have a shady or at least an extra person lingering in the cafe, maybe have him brush you away or ignore you if you try to initiate dialogue (whilst everyone else says something generic, making him seem suspect but not obvious, until jacks plan is revealed to you at GMS) or one of the weird spy bug thingys can scuttle about behind you/near you every new area you enter within SGS after you accept the quest (but obviously not able to destroy it, running in an out of ventilation shafts etc)...

Though, chances are maybe later encounters with JAck will shed more light on to this whole situation (who hired the thugs? whats in the package, was it stolen from someone and what is its importance etc)

Sorry peeps, that is all. you'll be happy to know I'm done picking this one apart and haven't currently encountered any other quests that make me question its nature.

Suggestions / The Robe (standard).
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:04:27 pm »
Last full play through, I kept finding these damn robes! Not meaning to damn them, looked awesome and I thought to my self "deffo gonna use this for a pure Psi build"... only, I make my Psi build and I can't find this robe anywhere! Seriously, I found like, 3 of them and one was on the first quest and now... zilch... nothing :(

Might seem a pointless suggestion to some but not gonna ask you to break a leg or anything: Please stick one of these standard robes in one of the lockers in the player characters room.

If you have time to break a leg in the future, please consider craftable robes, so different materials for higher resistance/ bonuses (like from pig leather etc). I wouldn't mind if they were still a bit weaker than standard armor, or even if crafting one simply gives you a the bonus if the material provides one (would that make sense though?).

I really do love the look of the robes :) spooky and mysterious. One in the locker at start game would be vastly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Bugs / Re: Jacks Package
« on: October 11, 2014, 01:15:49 pm »
Yeh, me tihnks I was over thinking a wee bit. hehe. Shouldnt pick it apart so much (don't worry, its not personal, I spent last night doing the same to Dragonfalls writting lol, its not as great as peeps think, holes,rippoffs, handling various things in a very bad way - nother story for a differnt forum tho)

Anyways, will be cool to see how this one plays out in the future (more Quicksilver quests!) I guess the last areas/main quest lines are more important atm.

KISC (keep it simple and cute) hope thats not offensive to the developers lol, I just like how Underrial doesn't excessively try too hard to be 'adult' :)

General / Re: K2
« on: October 10, 2014, 04:04:35 pm »
LOL, I guess nothing currently then. First time I encountered K2 my first thoughts were dog companion (like dogmeat or the one from Arcanum) though I don't know if that would be fitting for the game (would be cool, but would probably just die a dogmeat lol) then wondered if it was a related quest (find the owner or something). I do think the dog should move like the others though once dialogue ends, as I mentioned above , occasionally can get trapped by the dog in buildings etc.

General / K2
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:26:22 pm »
Has anyone figured out if there is anything to this dog? Currently you can interact but all dialogue options end with being growled at, does he want food or is something else related to them? Also he/she sometimes blocks me into rooms and unlike the other dogs does not move when spoken to (I got stuck in the shop next to Grover's place for about 5 minutes lol).

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #34: With Fire and Brimstone
« on: October 10, 2014, 03:18:34 pm »
I like these new additions to combat/crafting, molotovs sound fun and gas grenades for sure. I've noticed enemies will occasionally throw grenades (but rarely do much damage with them, either that or I kill them to quickly to unleash full force upon me), will they be likely to be using molotovs/gas grenades also? I would like them to, coming up against gas grenadiers would be pretty intense or being burned to death by a molotov lobber.

Also I'm guessing the inclusion of gas grenades will mean various bio-armors/gas masks will be introduced somewhere down the line? I mean bio-armors btw, not the current bio-suit... oh never mind I just re-read through the log again:
"bio resistance is currently not present on standard combat armors and if introduced later it will not be in generous amounts. Specialized equipment to deal with this and more powerful bio-hazzards will be added in the future."

Bugs / Re: Jacks Package
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:52:52 am »
Haha, yeh I guess I never really thought about how he even gets to GMS. He must be waiting in the shadows to see when you head up there to make his move/avoid the thugs.

I do wonder if it is a half finished quest. He mentions to look him up in core city so I wonder if it is meant to be possible to botch the quest (i.e never get to meet him again due to your stupidity)...

though I'm guessing it's coded so the thugs appear there once you accept the quest, maybe have it so the thugs only appear if you pick up the package. So if you happen to forget (because admittedly, a kinda stupid thing to do right after he tells me to grab it) the thugs wont be there, nor jack at GMS. Only have it happen if you pick the package up , because he mentions it (Im aware its nothing but a decoy) it seems somewhat vital to his plan. Im wondering if hes even hiding in the locker room so he knows exactly when to make his move.

So I guess, to me, it just seems a bit odd he even mentions the package. As I said above he could simply say "meet me here", make up a lie after you accept his job about needing to get into/something from the GMS compound  or when you ask about the buisness opportunity and then he offers a job you can say "what kinda work" he can ask "know where GMS is?" (he does actually ask that at one point) and if you've accepted the quest from Tanner can respond with "in fact, I'm going there right now", "perfect! meet me there and I'll fill you in on the details"...

on that note, whether you've been to GMS or not, when he asks you can always just say 'yes'. Is it meant to be that if you havne't been there the only option would be 'no' until you do Gorskys quest (or until you've actually been there)?? The more I think about it the more it seems that this quest has been intentionally left like this for further tweaks in the future.

Basically some clarity from the developers would be nice, because now I'm also trying to figure out at what exact point he decides to make his move... if its after you deal with the thugs then I'd be curious as to how he got there before me (maybe theres something to his name 'quicksilver', that sounds more like a money reference though. making fast money= quicksilver) so maybe he slips past in stealth whilst you're taking them on... though the dialogue implies he was already there (because you ask him why did he wait). Gah, I'm just over thinking this now... still seems a bit like a plot hole now, or a vaguely finished quest.

I guess this is a suggestion (or a conspiracy theory) now rather than bug report, anyways to get the thread moved?

Bugs / Re: Jacks Package
« on: October 09, 2014, 01:57:50 am »
True, though that makes me feel it's pointless him even asking to deliver a package. He could just say "meet me here"...

If you do forget to pick it up I'd suggest it botches the quest. You don't have the package therefore are not a distraction therefore Jack gets mugged up and killed.

Either the dialogue should be changed or the nature of the quest changed. Right now he could say "go to the eiffel tower, put on a monkey suit and take a piss on an unsuspecting tourist" and it'll have the same end result. Basically the dialogue as it is is irrelevant.

Bugs / Jacks Package
« on: October 08, 2014, 04:06:21 am »
The Jack Quicksilver (I think his name is) quest: He asks you to deliver a package, gives you the key to get said package, thugs wait for you and the package... except you do not need the package, you can complete the quest without even looking at it. Thugs are still there waiting and you can defeat them successfully and deliver the package to Jack without even having it , hehe.

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