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Topics - ( Tchey )

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General / How to start a Dagger/Stealth toon ?
« on: December 19, 2015, 08:41:14 pm »
Hello, i've posted the same on Steam, may be read by different players... I've read this one but there is no information at all inside, beside "yes you can" :

My previous play in Alpha was Psy and Pistol, i'd may try to go melee and stealth.

However i wonder, should i max Strenght ? It says it affect melee damage. Daggers too ? If i need Strenght, should i wear heavy armor then ? Or stay light ? It seems i need all stats but to be a good " assassin"...

Any tips or general advice for this kind of characters ? I'd like to go rogue, move fast, break into every places i want, steal, hack...


Suggestions / Use brute force to open locked containers
« on: September 02, 2014, 03:16:54 pm »
What do you think about being able to open a locked box with brute force, if you don't have the skills or lockpick to open it ? There would be a small risk of destroying the content, but at least you could try. Same goes for doors : destroy them, but never close them again (or yes, use mecanics and some crafting components to fix the broken stuff).

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