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Topics - Phyroks

Pages: [1]
Talking to professor makes him reveal you some stuff I already kinda knew from ehm, torturing him earlier, but suddenly the captain hijacks the conversation event while being dead! After his done with his speech im kidnapped by the ghost and taken to his ship, where im alone...

How badly fucked is my save! 1st navcom, now spirits! :(

Bugs / cant access cabinets in cryovault
« on: July 26, 2019, 09:30:06 pm »
Cryovault 1c (Crimson Meadow Horticulture Center)

Bugs / NavCom thinks im a pirate, but im not
« on: July 24, 2019, 05:23:48 pm »
Did go and save the professor by telling pirates I would join them, persuaded "all" info out of the professor, then killed the pirates and made escape. No matter what I do on my navcom they go silent and think im pirate, even while sending help requests. (but it did work when asking for their help at pick up)

You should see it by just talking to anyone in navcom.

Edit: Now im not sure if its safe to continue, or will it bug something out even more D:

Suggestions / Good game but some suggestions after some play
« on: September 27, 2013, 11:19:17 am »
Very good game overall, clearly unfinished but some things I would like to see is

A) Least of my concerns, but having more options to move from the starting place would be nice, I dont mind the way its going right now but having more freedom to pick what/where to do stuff at start would be nice.
B) "Better" secret detection! You already have this "focused" for ranged combat, why not make it the normal way of detecting secrets too? Slam -3 perception to normal detection and when out of combat AND focused you cover up the lost perception. Just running past some hallway or being in combat and noticing that oddity in the wall is bit sad. Stopping to standing still few seconds to have max detection should not be too much to ask from adventurer!
C) Mushroom farming... Its not bad idea, I honestly loved that i had to do something to get those meds(mushrooms + caging some stuff), but doing that and getting some rifle off the shelf? No thanks! You already have some items/currency that vendors simply wont accept, why not make mushrooms and fished items only accepted by few "food" npc that have very low stocks, make sure these vendors have nearly no credits and just some junk and meds/ammo. This would make mushrooms/fish/eels to cover up your basic needs when you are low on cash, but it surely should not let you buy off the best weapon in shop if you do it long enough! Naturally you can keep on re-selling some items but this would greatly slow the process down.
D) Fishing full durability items, I know fishing is new thing but getting polished items from it surely is not intended, I dont mind if I fish up some really nice armor/weapon as who knows what those siphoners (who are too fat to follow you around) have drowned down there! It should be in bad shape and if its good for you, you can just repair it.

I have not played the entire game trough yet but those few things did bother me a little, mainly the C part is making me sad.

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