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Messages - Ivan Bajlo

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Suggestions / Re: Use brute force to open locked containers
« on: September 04, 2014, 02:45:22 am »
Bash could work but the noise you create should draw attention (human or beast) since you aren't exactly stealth thief and we could have some of them trapped if you try bashing so they explode but all this lot of unnecessary programming which could be put to better use.

Suggestions / Forum village? (Easter egg)
« on: August 08, 2014, 10:04:21 pm »
Can we have small (very well) hidden village where individuals with usernames from this forum are constantly talking using random quotes from their posts? 8)

I would be willing to script most of it if Styg can reveal format which is used.

I promise to make Elhazzared as merchant who buys everything without limits and has unlimited amount money. ;)

If it is placed well out of all primary paths and hidden behind some rocks which need blasting it shouldn't have any impact on game unless you belong to regular forum crowd and most of us already played game so many times that we know every rock anyway not to mention level 20 characters.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #33: Version released
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:41:16 pm »
Hahaha some things never change.
Out of curiosity Elhazzared, Styg has confirmed that he would be adding such option?

Didn't you get special e-mail already? It has a special fix which allows you to turn off merchant limits, give merchants unlimited amount of money and turn off item weight.

It was suppose to be sent to everyone except Elhazzared.  ;)

Suggestions / Payback quests?
« on: June 18, 2014, 04:53:02 pm »
Player can get involved in numerous murders with little consequences so I propose adding few quests to spice things up.  8)

Most obvious if you help Black Eels wipe out Scrappers some former partners of Eddie would approach you (also if you kill that guy with Cybernetic Eye for Foundry), maybe even wait in your room and explain to you that your little stunt has made big hit on their profits so they expect to be compensated for their "loses" by you, so player has to pay few hundred coins immediately and increasingly larger sum as time passes or do some other jobs for them which gets you even deeper into trouble (stealing from SGS armory and labs, smuggling drugs...).  :'(

Since these guys are real players they will know about every murder you ever committed (Blain, Grover, Treasa etc.) and your other activities (Abram tasks) so the more greedier bastard you are the more money they will ask from you.  ;D

High persuasion or intimidate should help you lower the amount you have to pay, delay payment or maybe even get you out of entire situation if its ridiculously high.

To get out of this situation you can either fight but unless you have really high level character you should have no chance, you can hire some low level thugs of the street but all they do is get killed and you have to pay even more money or pay large amount (10 000?), less if you did some quests, to Silas to help you out or maybe even Gorsky since he seems like a guy who could gather few guards willing to do some hard work for big payout (also militia commander in Foundry or maybe even Protectorate in exchange for you becoming their agent!?). Alternatively if you have made enough friends you can recruit them to help you for much less money (they still want money after you tell them the truth about what you got yourself into since they'll have to buy lots of bullets in order to help you :D ).

As last resort (if your character is so pathetic that you have no skills or money to get yourself out any other way) you can confess everything to Tanner who then orders Gorsky to set up full scale ambush and wipes out "the mobsters" to send them a message not to mess with you anymore but you get nothing for that (no experience, money, loot...) plus player should probably get punished with some pointless tasks and also needs to compensate SGS for their protection with large amount of weapons and armor or risk loosing your SGS status which puts you in danger once more (at lest until main plot puts you back on Tanners good side).

For more common killings like Blain you would get visitors to your room like Old Jonas and few of Blain's tough buddies which you can try fighting to death and get yourself killed or chose hand to hand combat (no armor or weapons) and probably get hell of a beating (unless your character is martial art expert) but surviving with some of your stuff taken as compensation after which you can let the whole matter slide or go for revenge and start whole thing all over again in never ending cycle or violence.  8)

For most pointless killing like Grover you should probably get stab by some hobo next time you find yourself alone in back alley, nothing serious but enough to make you think twice before killing your next victim.

General / Re: Will Items Disappear if left on the Ground?
« on: June 05, 2014, 10:25:58 pm »
So far I have never seen any container resets and offer new items, I yet to test various garbage heaps if they all reset and items disappear in them but it would be interesting to find out if someone is regularly cleaning up garbage!  8)

General / Re: Will Items Disappear if left on the Ground?
« on: June 05, 2014, 10:07:03 am »
Items on the ground = never disappear even in the middle of Junkyard which is full of thieves.  :D

But I did leave some items in garbage heap near three merchants and they vanished.  :'(


I hope it is not the end of the game? There will be more cities after Core City?

There will probably be few more locations, developers have barely scrapped the surface with Untied Stations and Protectorate plot and if level/quest editor gets included in final release this game will become endless since anyone will be able to expand it in all directions.  8)

Besides I doubt anyone would mind some nice content rich expansions, hopefully this game will turn into nice series like Avernum.

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 18, 2014, 12:59:17 pm »
Rathound King lair could use secret one-way backdoor for quick exit or admiring the maze is mandatory?
You can learn about secret door in one of his dialog branches.

darn, any other things which can be achieved? is there a peaceful solution? btw do you now what happens to that female hunter S something, she disappears when quest is over

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 17, 2014, 01:38:19 pm »
This is probably WAD but when you put on Rathound Regalia in Camp Hathor everyone turns hostile but they remain hostile even if you don't hurt anyone, exit, switch armor and return.

Solution seems to be save and then load the game to turn them back to friendly but I think that should happen when you exit and return without armor, also you can kill people in mushroom garden and you can kill isolated guards in main town (preferably with single turn kills) and use same exploit by existing combat mode, saving and loading and everyone is friendly again... as long as you don't trigger response from entire town, same exploit doesn't work in SGS base, killing lonely individual and everyone will still be hostile after loading saved game.

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 10, 2014, 06:36:23 am »
At Lost Vault you can kill guard or trader without any reaction from the other one, also will there be some deeper point to this location or is it just kill all loot everything location since it is way out of the way to be practical for trading.

Same problem with that isolated bar with two guards in front, you can attack both guards and trader individually without any reactions from other two.

Bugs / Various minor bugs
« on: May 10, 2014, 12:58:31 am »
At Lost Vault you can kill guard or trader without any reaction from the other one, also will there be some deeper point to this location or is it just kill all loot everything location since it is way out of the way to be practical for trading.

At entrance to the Foundry you can walk behind lower Foundry Shield guard, that is you can go through wall of the gates with red line on the wall, also you can sometimes get stuck on the shield of the upper guard if you want to go directly to the train.

Gorsky is present at the conference about whether to help or not Black Eels vs. Scrappers although he already left SGS for Core City (this quest could probably use more options like talking to everyone and persuading them before the meeting or intimidation line at the meeting?).

Rathound Regalia has its value stuck at 1, also Regalia should probably boost your intimidation and Rathound King lair could use secret one-way backdoor for quick exit or admiring the maze is mandatory? 8)

This is probably WAD but when you put on Rathound Regalia in Camp Hathor everyone turns hostile but they remain hostile even if you don't hurt anyone, exit, switch armor and return.

Organic Gel Electrolyte is virtually impossible to find and merchants almost never offer it.

BTW can you move Buzzer to the front desk? No point in constantly going up and down, thx. ;)

Suggestions / Re: food and Hunger
« on: May 07, 2014, 02:58:12 pm »
That would get very boring very fast... it makes sense in a game like Wasteland where you need to locate things walking through desert otherwise you cold walk around forever.

In Underrail we have functioning economy and communication network by train or boat so walking around is primarily extra fun which is already severely limited by weight you can carry and what merchants are buying.

Although sleeping would be nice cheap way to refill your health and psi powers, we could add renting a room to sleep option to bars.

Bugs / Re: I managed to kill The Beast without completing the quest
« on: May 06, 2014, 10:57:49 am »
We figured it out. Its "armor" breaks down. It wasn't set to indestructible.

Fixed for the next update.

So basically at the moment it can be destroyed by any mechanical means just needs a lot of bullets.  :D

Suggestions / Graffiti, direction and warning signs?
« on: April 30, 2014, 03:03:26 am »
Just started new build I'm totally lost in so many new tunnels... even if map was available most of the time I would have little idea where I'm going so it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some direction signs on the walls (Foundry ahead ->) as well as warning sign ("Bandits ahead", "monsters"...), maybe even possibility to write our own signs on the walls?

Also shops in Foundry could use bit of markings to make them more easily located especially since few doors are placed out of sight... does anyone which merchant buys guns?

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #30: Version released
« on: April 22, 2014, 02:25:39 pm »
Great, new version!

For you guys who don't like using steam, you definitely aren't second class customers. The way I see it, steam gets the worst initial bugs of each patch and Styg hotfixes those before deplying to other platforms. ;)

Bugs bugs bugs bugs! Lovely bugs! Wonderful bugs!  (for younger generations: full: )

As old Paradox customer, bugs are perfectly normal thing to me and with their games being easily modable fixing them myself become a regular thing... if they released game code I would have probably become full time programmer just to get the game to do what I want it to do.  ;)

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